Monday, June 29, 2020


Hi Friends,
Welcome to my blog.This week I will be sharing my Ikebana arrangement done using Kitchen utensils.As You all know  Ikebana is an art of arranging flowers in a vase ,There is a myth that it requires expensive "vase" to display.I wanted to prove ,that you can do  arrangment without spending much on expensive vases.You have many options. like oldflask,Tea kettle,Tea cups Casseroles.  Today I will be showing arrangement  with kitchen utensils like Tray,Griddle.Basket, Cutlery holder etc.

 Here we go

First which caught my eye was my Stone Griddle(Tava)

Dried branch and Chinese orange stem is added

Since it is flat doesn't hold neither water nor flowers.Hence  I added German statice which is lightweight  and miniature orange branches

A Freestyle arrangment  in white circular tray,   using.Fox tail Asparagus,Zerbera flowers and some foliage

"CISSUS TRAIANGULARIS" is used as a main line.It is used in making chutney,It is called as "bone setter", adamant creeper,"pirandai"& Vajravalli are different names.It doesn't dry quickly stays fresh for a longer time.

Next thing is a multipurpose kitchen basket 
It has a collapsible handle which makes it interesting to use in an arrangement

The lid can be opened fully or partially according to the size of  the items inside the basket.That makes it to easy to adapt to any arrangment.

In this I have added dried grass material with painted dried BOP leaves,Lily leaves and" Cissus Triangularis "with orange branches and a few oranges in the  bottom with violet Statice flowers which are 3 months old and drying fast
I was not satisfied with  this setup I searched for one more item to be a part of this arrangment.

At last I  found the right one which  satisfied my ever doubting ability of myself.  A  Cutlery holder and this blue basket did go well with the whole set  up.  Is it not?
What is your opinion?
Please give your comments/suggestions below.

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Have a nice day!


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